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For better or worse, neighborhoods and communities everywhere are changing —
including Over-The-Rhine, Cincinnati.


So what keeps these neighborhoods so special?

We’re talking about changes to the physical landscape, changes in neighbors, and changes in power—much of which can leave us feeling disconnected—and as people we long for unity. On Belonging’ is a collection of stories from individuals and families of the Over-The-Rhine community sharing their perspective on how to create that feeling of unity, or ‘belonging.’ 

Belonging in her eyes requires a little give and take from everyone in the community.

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She cherishes Over-The-Rhine so deeply and will stop at nothing to make sure the community comes first when it comes to development in the neighborhood.

Whether the changes in their lives
are positive or negative, they make it
a priority to be joyful through it all.

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Matt is really intentional about using his background to make a difference
in his neighborhood.

He wants to find ways to use
his story to bring people together.

Each place they lived came with valuable lessons on the essence of community.

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